Thursday, July 21, 2011

One way to exploit a narrow space for the family room

One way to exploit a narrow space for the family room is to give the impression of vast, modern and simple design is perfect to give a broad impression of the narrow room.
Some of the following can be input to give the impression of the family room (narrow) you:
# Give the bright colors on your walls, you can use pastel colors and try only one color, so it does not seem fragmented, so instead give a narrow sense.
# Avoid excessive accessories in your family room, especially on your wall, put a family photo or painting is okay as long as not too much, which obviously would only give the impression of crowded a narrow sense, giving the impression of an empty impression.
# For lighting the room as much as possible to get adequate lighting, the brighter the more give impression area, but for the lighting depending on your tastes you wrote for a romantic, slightly dimming the lighting is okay as long as not too dim so the room seem cramped.
# And the last and most important is the selection of furniture and electronic goods for your living room to support a simple and modern design and gives the impression area, your furniture should be simple and tailored as much as possible in proportion to the size of your living room, it is recommended to use a custom furniture making be well suited to the circumstances of your living room. For electronic items that do not try to choose to eat too much space and fit the theme of living a simple and modern.

Happy experimenting, I hope the above tips can help you a bit.

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